Childcare FAQs

How do I reserve childcare?

You can reserve a childcare session on the Ozwell app! Before childcare can be reserved on the app, our front desk will need to create a profile for your child and connect them to your account.

How much does it cost?

Childcare is $7/child for a 1.5-hour session.

How do I know there will be enough room?

We have plenty of space and, at this time, will not need to turn any children away. If you’re concerned, you can always call our front desk to confirm: (463) 273-2226.

Can I leave the premises?

No, as we are not a certified day-care center.

Is your childcare facility free of nuts?

Yes, it is a nut-free childcare facility.

Can my child bring snacks?

Yes. We have a snack zone where kids are allowed to eat their snacks.